About company

The main field of activity of Star Inox company operating for about 10 years is the sale and installation of professional kitchen, laundry and bar equipment, including bakery, flour products and pastry makers. Our company also offers you professional kitchen equipment manufactured by Turkish and European brands. Relying on our many years of experience in this business, you can entrust us with the design of your kitchen and the provision of equipment. As a company Star Inox, we are quite well known today and gained the trust of customers. The equipment produced by the company, has been able to keep up with the ranks of high quality and durable professional kitchen equipment meeting European standards. Along with the sale and installation of professional kitchen equipment, the specialists of the Company are able to quickly solve problems that may arise during and after the warranty period. Continuously developing Star Inox participates in worldwide exhibitions and service trainings, collecting technological innovations and providing customers with a higher level of service each year.